About me

Thanks guys for your visiting my blog , have enjoy on reading and feel free to comment my articles . . .
Here about me . . .

Full Name : Rudi Hartono
Date of birth : December 27
Place of birth :Pagar Kaya, Indonesia
Language : Indonesian(native), Japanese, English
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesia
Address : (by request)
Mobile Phone : (by request)
Email :rudiaozora@gmail.com
Personal Blogs : www.jaiponko.blogspot.com
Twitter : @rudiazora, Fb :rudiaozora@gmail.com
Here are my Transcript :

I'm Rudi Hartono and I'm originally from Palembang in Indonesia and now i had been studying in Ten November Institute of Technology for 3 years.

Emm, my activities everyday are going to college and have a japanese course. beside that,i had been joining organization too. The name of organization thad i joined is Click. I like to joined my campus organization like Click, in Click we made indie movies and send it to any competition festival. It's kinds of intereesting activities that we done in Click.

Others activities that i joined is free speaking class. This activities is like english conversation class, but we desaigned our class by our selves, the teacher only as fasilitator when the members had question to ask.I love this class very much, because with this activities my english improving. i always joined fsc when i did'n have any activities in college. Like i told before, i joined japanese course too. I study japanese cause i want to go to japan. I prefare to get scolarship to study in japan country and also for communicating with my japanese friends now. Another reason why i learn japanese is i wan to get sertificate of japanese proficiency. It used for applying job in japan company. There're a lot of japan company in my country. it's about 7 hundred.so i prefare of that.

I'm information system major. my every day i spend in learning computer and bisiness manajement. It's kind of confuse when i separate my lessons to two component like that couse it has any split between informatic technology and business management. When i learn business manajement i spent my time to practice in speaking but when i spen my time to learning informatic technology i did't use my speaking skill much but i make listing of computer programming. But i didn't matter it couse i assum that to be my callenge.

O yeah, i love jurnalisting too, i want to write many articles but yet.Only some articles had wrote it's all about my everyday

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that's all about me

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